Soft sole baby shoes leather

Soft sole baby shoes leather

Gym shoes for baby - irreplaceable shoes that need during sports activities in the hall of the kindergarten or school, children's matinees, theater plays and skits for carnival and fancy dress and much more. In the shops you can buy gym shoes two or three colors, but often these colors do not match to an event or to suit the child. To get rid of the problem of finding shoes for different occasions and sporting events, learn how to sew baby Gym shoes for yourself - you can easily make a few pairs of different materials, and the child will be able to change shoes, depending on the situation.


As the material for sewing gym shoes  use skin and vinyl. Simple strict gym shoes, which are suitable for gymnastics and sports, you can make a black or white vinyl and leather used for soles. You also need an elastic band to gym shoes tightly sat at the foot of the child and not spadyvali.

The selected material transfer a pattern top gym shoes  - it consists of several parts. The first part - this is a semi-circular rubber band, whose role can also be used much elastic tissue, and the remaining part - this is the side of the gym shoes, which are then connected to the heel bridging the vertical seam.

Separately carve out of thick leather sole, which should match the size of the baby's feet. Customize pattern to the leg, trying them in the process of tailoring. Cutting out the details for a future gym shoes, do not forget to add it to the small seam allowance. Gym shoes obsheyte top cut by hand or on a typewriter thick piping.

First completely cutting and sostrochite upper part of the shoe, and only then begin to sew it to the sole. To Gym shoes are durable, use reinforced thread. Sew sole to detail gym shoes on the wrong side, and then turn the product.

To glue the soles inside the soft footbed. You can sew the soles of any fabric suitable to suit the child or for the holiday, in which he will participate.