How to build a castle of matches

How to make a castle out of matches with their own hands


First, I will describe to you how to make a castle out of matches, and then show in pictures.


Step 1: First, you should be armed with a coin, clay and, of course, by the matches.
Getting Started: 2 matches put on mashed clay parallel to each other at a distance of 2 cm.

Step 2: top, do not forget to use your eye, put another 8 matches. The distance between the matches should not exceed the thickness of the match. Perpendicular to the previous layer settle down another layer of 8 matches. Then lay the foundations at the edges 4 matches and repeating this 6 times.

Third step: two deck (first - of 8 matches, the second - from 6 matches) complete our framework. Frame pressed coin. How to make a castle out of matches, so it does not fall apart and was more durable? To do this you need to put all four corners match. And then repeat the same effect around the perimeter of the castle of match.

Step 4: Now we can safely compress our Matchbox work without worrying about its integrity. Further presses on vertical matches with such force that they appear on the reverse side. Because now they present a framework upper floors.

Step 5: then flip the lock "upside down" and begin to build a wall, vertically inserting matches on four sides. Algorithm will repeat again, only matches will already spread horizontally. Following the procedures of our match architecture compress the lock again.

That's done! Now you'll know how to make a castle out of matches.

Illustrated construction of the castle of matches: