Ways to save Christmas tree at home

Careful when choosing a Christmas tree - one of the keys to its longevity. Buying spruce, pay attention to the trunk - it should be thick and covered with needles. If tree branches broken, and needles are yellow or brown color, no tricks will not save spruce from fast dying.

Buying a tree, do not rush to bring it in a warm room, let the first stand up a little bit in the yard or in the stairwell. Vpochem and after barbed beauty will be in the room, do not rush with ornaments: how to let the branches deal. Before. how to get toys, carefully tap the tree trunk on the floor, dead needles to crumble. And finally, one of the most important rules: do not install a tree near radiators, otherwise your conifer decoration hardly survive until the end of the Christmas holidays.

New Year for most unthinkable without the festively decorated Christmas tree. What spruce choose - natural or artificial? We examine the pros and cons of both options

                                                                    Artificial fir
One of the main advantages of artificial wood - is the lack of needles on the floor. Tree will not crumble, and therefore the time for cleaning after the holidays reduced.

In addition, the use of an artificial Christmas tree can be reused, it not only saves the budget, but also the time that is necessary to spend a choice of wood.

Choosing unnatural spruce, you are helping to reduce the damage caused by the nature of illegal logging of young conifers. The rate of growth in evergreens is very low - about 10-20 cm per year, so the planting of new plants is not keeping pace with the large-scale logging.

Still, artificial Christmas tree, even if it is made in accordance with the highest standards of quality, made of plastic with other chemical compounds, which often do not write on the label. It is known that polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which often make artificial trees, created from oil resources and burdened by harmful lead compounds. Moreover, for all its positive qualities PVC is the most dangerous of all types of plastics, the researchers argue that heating PVC stands analogue warfare gas - phosgene.

                                                                  Natural spruce
Among the advantages of natural spruce - with nothing comparable to the smell of pine needles. These evergreens into the air essential oils, has a bactericidal action, some species of pine can even kill the tubercle bacillus. In addition, the smell of pine has beneficial effects on the nervous system, relieves stress and nervousness. Generally, essential oils are long softwood trees are widely used for the prevention of respiratory diseases and disinfection. And, of course, for many of us live Christmas tree smell - the smell of childhood.

Spruce needles can be useful after the holidays. Thus, useful mask that eliminates hair from dryness and brittleness can be prepared by putting a few sprigs of spruce in a pot of water, "boil" them for 1 hour. The resulting broth need to infuse for 20 minutes and then add back one beaten egg white and a few drops of brandy.

A scrolling spruce needles (previously separated from the branches) through a meat grinder, and add the resulting mass of 1-2 tablespoons of honey, you get an excellent pasta cold - wrap can be applied on the chest or inhalations. In the end, of the needles can be crumbled exclusive ecological mattress.

There are also disadvantages. As you know, choose natural fir or pine quite difficult, given the New Year hype and unscrupulous sellers suppliers.

Keep in mind that the brittle branches indicate an old tree, and if on the muzzle has a black border width of a few centimeters, the tree will stand for a short time. Color Christmas tree should be saturated, and if you rub a few needles between your fingers, it should remain on the skin oily trail and a nice pine scent. 

Live tree requires attention and special care, what not all ready. To save the tree, you must have patience. For example, to prepare a solution for trees requires water to dissolve the aspirin, salt and a spoonful of sugar. Aspirin prevents the development of bacteria, salt and sugar are needed for food. Then the solution must be mixed with clean sand and install the tree so that the tree trunk has been shipped 15-20 centimeters. In addition, it is recommended from time to time to spray spruce fresh water