How beautiful tie shoelaces

How beautiful tie shoelaces

What you will need:
CROS or sneakers with 12 holes for laces
Two pairs of laces wide standard length
Free time, a drop of patience and desire to excel
1 step
Take all of the necessary things and pritupayte to work!

step 2

scheme 1
To start thread is one of the laces in the lowest hole so that its ends are inside the shoe. One end should be much longer than the other. Long end lace thread as shown in Scheme (places inside drawstring shown dotted holes - red).

step 3

scheme 2
Now take another color lace and woven its constrictions between the horizontal lacing the bottom up, as shown in the second diagram on as much as the length of lace or enough space for weaving. After that spryachte ends of the lace in sneakers.

step 4

The Result
If you did everything correctly, you should get out of laces "chess board" or something like that. It should look something like this. You have only to put on your old (maybe new) sneakers, which have now become a work of art.